Tips For Maintaining A New Car

Tips For Maintaining A New Car

Welcome to the topic “Tips For Maintaining A New Car“.

We’ve covered a wide range of topics in accordance with car insurance. We have covered all these topics because we want our customers to make better decisions about car safety and insurance. It is our belief that the best way to do so is to know everything there is to know about these topics.

Two Perla Cares platforms have been specially crafted to better address your needs. One is through the Perla Cares Video Series on YouTube which is animated and concise. While another is through the Perla Cares Blog, which is more comprehensive and in depth.

However aside from just discussing car insurance, we have decided to branch out and also tackle essential tips and problematic issues car owners have with regards to owning their vehicle. Perla Insurance, one of the best car insurance companies in the Philippines, is here to giving you information on how to better use and take care of your car.

In this blog post, we will discuss a topic that it very significant to car owners and that is about maintaining a new car. We save up our hard earned money just to purchase a new car, so we should make sure to preserve it to always keep it in tip top shape.

New owners are always concerned on how to properly maintain their new car, because there is nothing quite like buying a new car. You don’t have to be the world’s greatest mechanic to make your vehicle perform flawlessly by maintaining it correctly. If you are an owner of a new car and looking for tips to keep your vehicle in top condition.

Tips For Maintaining A New Car
Tips For Maintaining A New Car


When you buy a new car, it always comes with warranties. Take the most out of these warranties and let professionals carry out the regular services because no one knows the intricacies of your car better than them. You should ensure that you stay up to date with your services.

Keeping up with the schedules will allow you to spot potential problems early on and stop them before developing into something worse.

Clean Your Vehicle

People think of cleaning their car as simply vacuuming the inside and shining the outside. But there is more to it. When cleaning your vehicle, always make sure that you hose off the underside to remove all the road grime and other potentially harmful substances. To keep the shine of the car, you should wax it once every six months.

Periodic Oil Change

Experts say one should change the oil once every three months or after 3000 miles, whichever comes first. The engine’s health and performance majorly depend on the condition of the oil. If the oil is old, your engine will start wearing out from the inside; always change the oil on time to prevent this.

Use the Right Fuel

New cars don’t require “running in,” but that doesn’t mean they don’t need to be treated with a little bit of car for the first thousand miles. You should make sure to check the type and quality of fuel for your vehicle to avoid damage to the engine. Replace the fuel filter at each significant service annually.


From windscreen wash to all the fluids needed for the proper working of your new car, you will need to make sure that all the required fluids are topped up. Change your coolant twice a year and keep an eye on the brake and other fluids.

Get Your Car an Insurance

Just like routine checkups, having your car insured is a good idea. Having a car insurance policy will give you complete peace of mind. You will be saved from any financial difficulties in case of loss or damage to your car or to third parties. Some car insurance companies even have garages to make it convenient for the customers to avail free repair services.

We, at Perla Insurance pride ourselves in providing fast and personalized claims servicing. This is whether you choose to insure TPL Insurance or Comprehensive Car Insurance with us.

On an End Note

Maintaining a new car is relatively easy as long as you take out some of your time to lavish some care and attention onto your new ride. Change your car fluids, wash it, wax it, and drive it as if you have an egg between your foot and accelerator pedal. These habits will keep your car always in top-notch condition.


Stay up to date on vital topics related to car safety and insurance in the Philippines by visiting our YouTube channel, ‘Perla Insurance.’

We address often asked concerns through our simple animated videos from our new “Perla Cares” series. This is to keep our viewers informed. We also want to make these essential information more accessible to the general public. Especially coming from a reliable source- such as a well-trusted insurance company in the Philippines.

We also encourage our viewers to offer comments on topics they’d like to see covered in future videos so that we can make sure they’re getting the knowledge they require.


Like “PerlaInsuranceOfficial” on Facebook to help us develop our community’s relationships by increasing interaction and participation.

We’re also available to assist our community with any insurance-related inquiries.

If you choose to avail of our services, please reach out to us via Facebook. Our team will be pleased to provide you with extra information. We will lead you through the process, and explain the technique in greater depth.

We offer both TPL Insurance and Comprehensive Car Insurance packages that will set your mind at ease when it comes to the protection and safety of your vehicle, yourself, and your loved ones.

What We Stand For

Perla Insurance is concerned about our client’s well-being, as it always has been. As the best insurance company in the Philippines, we strive to meet our customers’ needs. We do this by delivering nothing less than the best auto insurance.

We strive to provide the highest level of service quality and the most benefits possible. This is to ensure that you receive the best return on your investment.

Because Perla Insurance is synonymous with high quality insurance, the top insurance company in the Philippines guarantees both assurance and service excellence with all our customers.

Have any questions regarding the topic Tips Before Purchasing a Used Car? Feel Free to comment below.

Also Read: Tips Before Purchasing a Used Car

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